Product Description
This is about the most complete radio box kit offered for sale. This kit is very versatile for POTA activations or emergency communications. This kit includes a full windows PC with WSJTX, FLDIGI, WINLINK, MSSTV, CHIRP and other various radio softwares installed. The battery life during a voice POTA activation is ~2.5 Hours. The solar panel can be connected during operation and runtime will be extended.
- Yaesu FT-991A all mode radio covering all bands HF/VHF/UHF
- Windows 11, 8G RAM, 128GB SSD, 2.7Ghz Intel Celeron Processor, with WiFi, and Bluetooth
- 7" LCD Monitor
- Wireless keyboard/mouse combo
- HRS Timer Keeper GPS for PC time synchronization
- 20Ah Lithium iron phosphate battery
- Interrnal solar charger
- Internal AC charger
- Battery voltage monitor and power control
- USB Charger
- 2 USB PC ports
- 100 Watt folding solar panel included
- Unit weight is 37.4 Lbs.
- Solar panel weight 9 Lbs.